Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Ornament Exchange 2017

Ornament Exchange 2017
Supplies needed:
Wood from PaperWhimsy.com
Stick on Jewels
White Glue
Deco Art Acrylics, Black, White, Red
Sakura Black Pen 03
Sakura White Gelly Roll Pen
Prismacolor Pencils, Flesh, Burnt Sienna,
 White, Indigo Blue

BONUS Ornaments
This angel ornament and bonus ornaments are both from Paper Whimsy. The stick on jewels are also from them. The patterns are blown up in order for you to see the detail.  There really is no step by step directions since the wood is just base coated and then inked in. There is some shading on the skirt feathers with a mechanical pencil. Otherwise pretty basic stuff with beautiful outcome.
Here are the hand drawn patterns. Full size patterns can be emailed to you by requesting them at raderizms@hughes.net.


Ornament C
Ornament B
Ornament A
The face was base coated with Prismacolor Flesh, shaded with Burnt Sienna. Highlighted with White. Lips were Red with Burnt Sienna shading. Details such as eyelashes and hair were done with Burnt Sienna and Mechanical Pencil.

Links to blog hop - 2017 Ornament Exchange



Jane Allen https://janeallencreates.blog/ornament-exchange-2017
Amy Mogish https://classicamyjoanne.com/ornament-exchange-2017
Franca Marzi http://piccolepassioni.blogspot.it
Judy Westegarrd Jenkins https://judithwestegaarddesigns.wordpress.com/

DAY 2:

Golda Rader http://raderizms.blogspot.com/2017/10/ornament-exchange-2017.html
Debbie Mishima https://debmishima1.wixsite.com/countryhearts/blog/ornamnet-exchange-17
Tracy Moreau  https://tracymoreaudesign.blogspot.ca/
Linda Sharp http://www.lindasharpcda.com/ornament-exchange-2017/
DAY 3:

Sandy McTier https://sandymctierdesigns.blogspot.com/2017/10/ornament-exchange-2017-blog-hop.html
Deb Antonick http://www.paintingwithdeb.com/
Laure Paillex https://www.laureart.com/blog/
Wendy Young http://www.oldemoonlane.com/ornament-exchange-2017

Thank you to our sponsors:


  1. Sam's going to love that you posted a new place for me to spend money! Love the work. Vicky Ausmus

  2. Love, Love, Love this Golda!!! Hope you have dried out from the storm! marilyn

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ooh something new to try! Thank you

  5. I am so enjoying this Blog Hop, and thank you for participating Gilda. Your designs are always so lovely and unique.

  6. How fun!! I love all the ornaments! Thanks to all who made this possible!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you for such a pretty and unique design

  9. Thank you for a very unique design. I love zentangle...so fun!!

  10. Love this so much. Thank you for sharing

  11. so very cute! Love your original designs!

  12. Would love to do the ornament but cannot reach your site. It's an amazing design. dcochran.cda@gmail.com

  13. Golda, you are always so inventive! Love these. I hope I can find something to use to adapt them here in Canada :-)

  14. Love this design - so lacy :-) Bahama Blue is one of my favorites too :-)

  15. So pretty ....Thank you

  16. Wow..........so interesting and pretty.
